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Reference Support

Thomson Reuters Reference Support helps you get the most out of your electronic products. Contact us for tips on constructing a search, locating a particular document or any other reference-related questions you have while doing your research. Give us a call or send us an email if you have any reference-related questions. 

Phone: (416) 609-3800 - select option 3 (Toronto & international) / 
1-800-387-5164- select option 3 (toll free Canada & US)


Business Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.


Technical Support & Specifications


If you would like to discuss your system requirements, please contact the Carswell Technical Support Team:

Toll Free (Canada & US): 1-800-387-5164
Toronto/International: (416) 609-3800
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday and Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed on Statutory Holidays
Taxnet Pro Support

Taxnet Pro™ is a web-based solution that requires no additional software to install - all you need is your browser and a password to access Canada's most powerful on-line tax research service.

The minimum system requirements for Taxnet Pro are as follows:

  • Minimum screen resolution 1024 x 768
  • Microsoft Office 2007+
  • Windows XP+
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • JavaScript enabled
  • Cookies enabled
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Pop-ups enabled for Taxnet Pro 

Important:  If you use a pop-up blocker it may affect your ability to print or download.  There are several ways to work around pop-up blockers.

Some common solutions are listed below:

  1. Click the Tools drop-down menu
  2. Chose Pop-up Blocker
  3. Select Pop-up Blocker settings
  4. Under "Address of Website to allow":   type in the following - *
  5. Click Add
  6. Click Close

If the above steps do not resolve your issue, you may have additional pop-up blockers enabled.  To temporarily allow Taxnet Pro, hold the Shift or Ctrl key.


Adobe Acrobat

Servers Servers

If your company utilizes proxy servers or firewalls and you are experiencing problems with Taxnet Pro, please contact Technical Support for more information.

In order to view the PDF file format versions of case law from Carswell law reporters, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Visit the Adobe web site to download Adobe Acrobat Reader