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To learn more or receive a demo of the Federated Press Centre on Taxnet Pro, click here.

What happened to Federated Press?

The corporation operating as Federated Press went bankrupt in 2016. A trustee was appointed and charged with selling the assets. Through this process, Thomson Reuters obtained the intellectual property rights in relation to the Federated Press name, the Federated Press tax publications, and selected archived CPD video recordings.

If you were a past contributor to the Federated Press tax publications, please read this information letter.

 Did Thomson Reuters acquire Federated Press?

Thomson Reuters has obtained intellectual property rights in relation to the Federated Press name, the Federated Press tax publications, and selected archived CPD video recordings. Thomson Reuters did not obtain the entire Federated Press backlist. For instance, Thomson Reuters did not acquire the legal titles published by Federated Press. Specifically, Thomson Reuters obtained IP rights in relation to the Federated Press name, the Corporate Tax Planning Journal Series (comprising seven journals), the Personal Tax Planning Journal Series (comprising three journals), Taxation of Corporate Reorganizations (multi-volume supplemented book), and selected archived video recordings of Federated Press tax conferences.

 Why has Thomson Reuters become the publisher/provider of Federated Press tax content?

Our tax customers told us they value highly the Federated Press line of tax publications and the unique perspectives on complex tax issues provided by the esteemed contributing authors and editors. With over 20 years content, the Federated Press tax archives provide a deep, rich and unique compendium of thought leadership vital to Canadian tax professionals. As one customer put it, “At [firm name], there was much angst amongst the tax group upon hearing of this development [Federated Press ceasing business operations]...the Federated Press commentary is relied upon heavily here and, I would venture to say, at other firms who practice tax law as well. It offers unique and timely content which is not replicated elsewhere.”

The Federated Press tax publications are complementary to the many Thomson Reuters tax publications. They are regularly cited in the commentaries of renowned Thomson Reuters authors, David Sherman and McCarthy Tétrault, among others, demonstrating our experts’ regard for the Federated Press content. Combined, Thomson Reuters and Federated Press thought leadership is unparalleled anywhere. Once added to Taxnet Pro and fully integrated into search and cross-reference technology, Federated Press will deliver more value to readers than ever before possible.

Will this material be available from other publishers?

No, the Federated Press content will not be available as a complete compilation in final, edited form from any other lawful source. But that is only part of the story. The true power of the Federated Press commentary will be in its integration in Canada’s leading online tax research service, Taxnet Pro.

 Another commercial publisher tells me that I can get this content through other means. Is this true?

Thomson Reuters has obtained intellectual property rights relating to the Federated Press tax publications and selected archives of recorded tax CPD videos. The full compilation in final, edited form is not available from any other lawful source.

 What formats/media will Federated Press tax materials be available in?

Thomson Reuters has published the Corporate Tax Planning Journal Series and the Personal Tax Planning Series in digital format available via Taxnet Pro. PDF versions of the journals will be available to Taxnet Pro subscribers as part of their subscription. The Taxation of Corporate Reorganizations publication will continue in print until digital version plans are set.

 Are you going to continue to publish all of the Federated Press Journals?

Thomson Reuters has obtained the IP rights in relation to, and will be exclusive publisher of, the Corporate Tax Planning Journal Series and the Personal Tax Planning Journal Series that together comprise 10 journals. Our editorial teams will consult with customers and journal editorial boards to determine how the line will evolve to deliver full value to our customers. At this time, we anticipate publishing articles on the topic areas contained in the journals, but will determine whether we modify the manner in which those topics are addressed in the Corporate Tax Planning Journal Series, Personal Tax Planning Journal Series.

 Will the content appear in Taxnet Pro’s search and cross-references?

Yes, the Corporate Tax Planning Journal Series, Personal Tax Planning Journal Series will be fully integrated in Taxnet Pro with full search and cross-reference functionality. Plans for the digital version of the Taxation of Corporate Reorganizations and for the recorded videos have yet to be set.

 Will the journals appear on Westlaw Next Canada or Checkpoint?

At this time there are no plans to add the Federated Press tax publications on WestlawNext Canada or Checkpoint.

 Do I have to buy all of it?  Do I have to subscribe to all of it or individual series?

The Federated Press tax publications will be available via three separate subscriptions – the Corporate Tax Planning Journal Series, the Personal Tax Planning Journal Series, and the Taxation of Corporate Reorganizations publication.

Will the same authors contribute to the Federated Press publications going forward?

We intend to have continuity of contributors and editors of the publications and are engaging with them now to continue the publications.

 Will the editorial standards change?

Federated Press tax publications are highly valued by the tax community and it is our intention to deliver to the same standard.

It’s been a while since some of the content has been updated.  When will this content be updated?

Over the coming weeks, Thomson Reuters will finalize and execute plans for future issues/updates to the Federated Press tax publications.

 I already paid for the content.  Do I have to pay again?

Thomson Reuters obtained certain intellectual property rights held by the business operating as Federated Press. The Federated Press tax publications will be available from Thomson Reuters commencing later this year. At that time we will be filling new orders and entering new contracts with customers. Customers of the former owner who have prepaid fees should contact the trustee in bankruptcy:

Office of Nathalie Brault
400, St-Martin west,
Bureau 305,
Laval (Québec)
H7M 3Y8
Téléphone : 450-238-1445
Télécopieur : 450-933-3405

What’s the cost?

Please contact a Thomson Reuters representative to determine pricing for your organization.

 How do I buy it?

The Federated Press tax publications will be sold by the Thomson Reuters sales team. To find your sales representative please call 1-800-387-5164 or click here.

 What are your plans for the recorded videos? Is Thomson Reuters planning to offer a CPD program or conferences?

Thomson Reuters is finalizing plans for the Federated Press archives of recorded CPD tax videos.  We welcome any suggestions you might have.


If you would like to speak to a representative, please call 1-800-387-5164.